
20% (100Trillion tokens) paired with 10 $Leash tokens.

60% (300Trillion tokens) is to be locked within carefully selected partnershibs to use as they see fit for growth, development, and distribution over the next several decades.

20% (100Trillion tokens) in a multi-sig wallet for the DAO to decide on it's use.

The LP is BURNT, so there is no risk of a rugpull. The pair is BURNT into the blockchain permanently.

$WALK has a huge maximum supply of 500 trillion and comes with a 5% tax that goes directly to rewarding the holders with $Leash. Turning every $WALK holder into a $Leash holder for those exclusive benefits.

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These partners come from different $WALKs of life. They all have different opinions and utilities. They are each unique and passionate about Shibarium growth using media, gaming, NFTS, or building projects on this platform for years to come.

For this decentralized token to work. We need as much diversity and inclusion as possible. We need to trust that each project holding 1% will uphold their partnershib properly and create the all-rewarding financial environment within Shibarium.